Book review - The Selection

"You get confused by crying women, I get confused by walks with princes."

*DISCLAIMER* This post may contain spoilers.

First things first, this is not a sappy romance novel. I realize that I may be too harsh on romance novels and that there are so many people around the globe that enjoy them, but they just don't fit my taste. This is why I was pretty reluctant to start reading this book. However, when i started reading it, I realized that it was about so much more. There was something "fishy" surrounding the whole affair from the very beginning. I loved how the main character entered this competition with no hope or will to actually make it to the end but by the end, she had realized that she didn't want to leave. I know that may sound a little cliche but coupled with her character, it really wasn't. America is this strong woman who won't take s*** from anyone and she had a good, if not luxurious, life back home. She only entered this competition because she thought "eh, why not?" So, to see her change and develop throughout the novel was spellbinding. And the romance. The romance was the kind that could make the most anti-romance person like this novel. It was absolutely adorable.

Final verdict: This is a great book and the following books have a lot of potential. I think that this is a perfect princess story.

Will I read the rest of the series: Yup

Rating: 4/5

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This book can be purchased from They have free international shipping. Sorry i haven't posted lately, i got so caught up with the upcoming festivities in my region. Please comment what you thought of this. If you have read this book then please comment what you thought of it because it is always nice to hear other people's opinions. Don't forget to follow this blog on Bloglovin' by clicking the button in the sidebar to get instant updates of new blog posts. Have a nice day!


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Fatima Sarfaraz is a full time student who loves reading and writing. She also thoroughly enjoys the look and application of makeup. Wait....what was that? OMG A FAE IS SITTING IN MY LIVING ROOM. This idiot also has an overactive imagination.