Book Review - Queen Of Shadows

Publisher's Summary: The queen has returned.

Everyone Celaena Sardothien loves has been taken from her. But she’s at last returned to the empire—for vengeance, to rescue her once-glorious kingdom, and to confront the shadows of her past…

She has embraced her identity as Aelin Galathynius, Queen of Terrasen. But before she can reclaim her throne, she must fight.

She will fight for her cousin, a warrior prepared to die for her. She will fight for her friend, a young man trapped in an unspeakable prison. And she will fight for her people, enslaved to a brutal king and awaiting their lost queen’s triumphant return.

The fourth volume in the New York Times bestselling series continues Celaena’s epic journey and builds to a passionate, agonizing crescendo that might just shatter her world.

"Let's go rattle the stars."
"He was in deep unending shit."

I couldn't decide between these two quotes so I put both of them. The context behind that second quote is hilarious but OH MY GOD THIS BOOK. I have mentioned a couple of times that the Throne Of Glass series is my all time favourite but every book in the series digs itself deeper into my heart. I don't wanna spoil anything for those who haven't read it yet but I'm going do a whole discussion under *this* paragraph where I just rant. Anyways, the character developments were mostly great. I believe that all characters should develop during the course of the book/series and in QOS they did but there was one character whose development was very..weird. I mean yeah we got to see another side of them but they were too out of character in this book like they had Multiple Personality Disorder or something. Okay, maybe not that extreme but you know what I mean. The action scenes were. as always, amazing. The first two pages make up the first chapter and that chapter I guarantee will tear your heart into a million little pieces. We saw a little bit of inner conflict in Aelin as she had to channel both the queen and the assassin in her but that was welcome as it added to the character development. We see Arobynn in this book and as soon as he is introduced, my heart flips in my chest. I know that Arobynn is a big bad monster and he truly is despicable but for some reason unknown to me, I love him. I can't be the only one who feels this way. I like that we finally get to see why Manon and her witches were added to story. In Heir of Fire I just wanted to skip over her chapters but these are actually very interested and they nicely complement Aelin's chapters in the second half of the book. Keep scrolling for the book discussion.

Final verdict: BEAUTIFUL

Will I read the rest of the series: YES

Rating: 5/5


Okay so let's start with the disappointments. I was really disappointed with Arobynn's death. Like the big bad monster was killed by his "bed buddy" slicing his throat in the middle of the night. That's it. I know that Aelin's part after the death was brilliantly crafted and also really important but I still expected a big display to kill off Arobynn. Reading it now that sounds really sadistic but I guess I just didn't want it to be that simple. Am I alone in this? Also Chaol was a complete asshole at the beginning. I really hated him then. He got better, a lot better but still. Rowan and Aelin. When Rowan walked into this book my heart literally skipped a beat. I love Rowan so damn much but he was also one of the disappointments. I wanted to see the soft romantic side of him and absolutely loved his scenes with Aelin but its like to see that part of him, SJMaas gave up a lot of his warrior side. In Heir Of Fire Rowan was the biggest most bad ass fae warrior ever but in this book he got hurt so many times it was disappointing. We also learn a lot about Rowan in this book and that, to me, is a double edged sword because the mystery was one of the things I loved so much about Rowan. Aedion was exactly how I expected him to be + I ship him and Lysandra. I absolutely loved the ending. Dorian was fierce as hell. You know, I believe the things the king said right before his death. I believe his reasons for banning magic. I believe him. Do you? I also actually that Chaol might die. As much of an asshole as he was in the beginning, he was really brave in the end and  would have cried had he died but thankfully he didn't.  

Summary taken from Goodreads
First picture taken from Google Images and second by me.
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Fatima Sarfaraz is a full time student who loves reading and writing. She also thoroughly enjoys the look and application of makeup. Wait....what was that? OMG A FAE IS SITTING IN MY LIVING ROOM. This idiot also has an overactive imagination.