Life Update

Hey guys,

I know I haven't blogged in forever and I offer a thousand apologies for that.

So, after my last blog post, my family and I decided to go to Turkey on holiday and it was completely last minute. Thus, I wasn't able to prepare blog posts for while I was gone. In Turkey, we were so immensely busy the only time I touched an electronic device was to take pictures with it. The day after we landed back home, school started and this year is a lot harder and a lot busier than ever before. I'm so sorry, I got caught up with school work and only now have I been able to sort out my time and get some breathing space. Because of schoolwork, I have decided to only pot on the weekends, that is Thursday, Friday and Saturday( here we have school on Sunday). However, I will post more than two posts a day to make up for the shortened blogging week. I have so many ideas for new posts that I hope you guys will like.


P.S. I found that picture on Google Images and I do not know what movie it is from.


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Meet The Author

Fatima Sarfaraz is a full time student who loves reading and writing. She also thoroughly enjoys the look and application of makeup. Wait....what was that? OMG A FAE IS SITTING IN MY LIVING ROOM. This idiot also has an overactive imagination.